Monday, June 2, 2008

Far Distant Horizons

Work for me last week was in Adelaide. A 2.5hr flight from Brisbane to Adelaide; easy! The view from the window held special significance. My last flight from Adelaide was in November 2007, a month or so before Brad Poidevan and I had planned to embark on a ride from Perth to the Gold Coast - 4400km in 3 weeks.

In November when I peered out that plane window, my jaw dropped at the thought of what lay ahead. What the hell are we getting ourselves in for?!? 2 months prior, I had never ridden more than 2 days/wk. At least by November I was riding 5 days/wk. Still, thoughts of trepidation were unnerving.

Now, in June 2008, I peer out the window with a sense of pride that Brad and I achieved this massive undertaking. The whole experience changed our lives and will be fondly remembered for the rest of our days.


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